Scientific Trends in Clinical Trials on Tooth Bleaching: A Bibliometric and Altmetric Review
The aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics and trends of publications in clinical trials on tooth bleaching through a bibli...
Reabilitação com pinos de fibra de vidro de dente fragilizado
Os pinos de fibra de vidro Whitepost System são ótimas opções para restaurar a função e a estética dos dentes anteriores e posteriores. C...
Color evaluation of a one-shade used for restoration of non-carious cervical lesions: an equivalence randomized clinical trial
Obtaining a perfect color match with resin composite presents a significant challenge. The chameleon effect has enabled resin composite t...
FGM Dental Group é Reconhecida na Maior Feira de Odontologia do Oriente Médio
No mês de fevereiro, a FGM Dental Group recebeu um prestigioso reconhecimento durante o AEEDC Dubai (International Dental Conference &...
Transformando uma restauração insatisfatória com a resina Vittra APS Unique
Caso clínico de restauração com Vittra APS Unique e Opus Bulk Fill Flow APS.
Autor: Prof. Dr. Alex Sandro Olivaldo.
Exploring fiberglass post numbers for enhanced fatigue resistance in molars without coronary remnants
This study aimed to assess the fatigue resistance of molars lacking a coronary remnant, using zero, one, two, or three fiberglass posts.
Evaluation of enamel deproteinization in bond strength of orthodontic accessories: A split-mouth randomized clinical trial
This split-mouth randomized clinical trial aimed to evaluate the influence of dental enamel deproteinization with sodium hypochlorite on ...
Comparison of Maximum Heat Generation during Implant Site Preparation between Single and Gradual Drilling Protocols in Artificial D1 Bone Blocks: An In Vitro Study
The purpose of this study is to assess the maximum temperature changes reached during and after implant site preparation of 4.2 implant d...