Dental Wings
Immediate implant placement with immediate loading on healing abutment, customizing peri-implant area
Authors: Gustavo Diniz Greco, Alexandre Camisassa Diniz Greco, Walkyria Camisassa Diniz Greco and Aline de Freitas Fernandes Male patient, 45 years old. Main complaint Compromised periodontal and tooth 21 mobility along with the need for aesthetic rehabilitation. Initial assessment Patient sought treatment at clinic W, complaining of mobility in tooth 21. After anamnesis and intra- […]
Bone reconstruction and implantations with prototyped guide in agenesia areas
After anamnesis the patient was submitted to clinical radiographic assessment to ratify the agenesia of elements 12 and 22. Besides the dental elements, the exams revealed the bone volume deficiency in those regions, as well as a limited space in the mesial-distal direction (between 13/11 and 21/23) of the referred elements.
Immediate implant with immediate provisioning and connective tissue graft: a case report
It is widely known that the esthetics of the smile has a direct impact on the patient’s self-esteem. Thus, installation of the immediate unitary implant with immediate provisioning in patients with compromised teeth has become routine in implantology (Balderrama et al, 2021), being an excellent alternative when it is necessary to unite esthetics, predictability, and patient-practitioner satisfaction.
Treatment of a fracture on an upper central incisor with rehabilitation through immediate implant carried out with a virtual surgical guide: a clinical case report
Male patient, 61 years old, went to the private dental clinic after suffering trauma to dental element 21 (Fig. 1). The clinical examination showed mobility of the crown, and the horizontal fracture was confirmed by the periapical radiographic examination (Figs. 2 and 3), and surgical removal of the root and rehabilitation with an implant was indicated.
New tools for rehabilitation on implants, Arcsys and digital workflow
Comfort and predictability are some of the benefits of this modern option of molding and confection of prosthetic parts during oral rehabilitation.
The digital workflow, a new and timely tool, is increasingly being incorporated into orthodontic clinics. It is transforming our relationship with our patients, our colleagues, and above all, our dental prosthesis laboratory.
Immediate implant, clinical convenience and patient comfort
Author: Dr. Everton Salante and Dr. Polyane Mazucatto Queiroz MAIN COMPLAINT: Mobility in element 22. INTRODUCTION A 57-year-old female patient complained of mobility in element 22. The clinical and radiographic evaluations showed root fracture with poor prognosis for the maintenance of the element in the mouth. It was proposed to replace the compromised dental element with […]
Maxilary sinus lift with the concomitant installation of implants: clinical case report
After detailed anamnesis, clinical and radiographic examination, the absence of elements 26 and 27 was noted, and, it was also noted that topographically, there was a pneumatization of the maxillary sinus floor.
Virtual Guided surgery: Trend, reality or the future?
Author: Prof. Dr. Bernardo Passoni The technology involved in the planning and realization of rehabilitations with dental implants has evolved exponentially in the last years, however, it is known that the health-function-esthetic triad begins with the correct tridimensional positioning of the implant. The concept of reverse planning and prosthetically guided surgery is not new. Since […]