Peri-implant esthetics longevity

Banner Longevidade Arcsys 794x480px EN - Peri-implant esthetics longevity

Implantology counts on tools that are capable of extraordinary esthetic results. In the past, implantology as a science had demonstrated the capacity for the methodic reproduction of osteointegration. However, under the light of contemporary knowledge, there is a search for the predictability of the peri-implant tissue marginal stability (absence of recesses and presence of papilla), […]

Guided bone regeneration in aesthetic area

8 - Guided bone regeneration in aesthetic area

Authors: Dr. Thiago Roberto Gemeli, Ahylyn Restrepo Marin and Ana Karolyny Weber 14-YEAR-OLD FEMALE PATIENT Chief complaint: Patient uncomfortable with the aspect of her smile. Dental anomalies are deviations from normality, usually associated with the embryonic development of teeth, which may result in changes in number and shape. Agenesis is a type of anomaly associated […]

Bacterial sealing in the frictional connection of the Arcsys Implant System

HOME banner desk Arcsys 1 - Bacterial sealing in the frictional connection of the Arcsys Implant System

Authors: Eng. M.Sc. William de Souza Wiggers e DDS M.Sc Rafael Cury Cecato The emergence of implantology at the beginning of the 20th century, with Payne and Greenfield, the forerunners of the specialty, presented solutions such as gold and porcelain. Payne described the implant of a cylindrical gold basket, placed after enlarging the diameter of […]

Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fracture

Uso de implante friccional em carga imediata pos fratura dentaria - Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fracture

Author: Dr. Ricardo Schestatsk 59-year-old male patient. Chief complaint: Patient had a longitudinal fracture in element 15, with pain, inflammatory signs and infection. INITIAL EVALUATION After the initial examination, anamnesis and tomographic examination, the fracture was detected at the root level, as well as inadequate restoration in the distal part of element 14. TREATMENT PERFORMED […]

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