Whiteness Perfect 22% Teeth Whitening

Author Stephanie Gomes Assunção Alves – Whiteness contest

1 Sorriso inicial frontal 1 e1607348220781 - Whiteness Perfect 22% Teeth Whitening 14 Fotografia final do sorriso frontal 1 e1607348512278 - Whiteness Perfect 22% Teeth Whitening

Full Case Description

Patient: G.V.S., male, 23 years old, with leucoderma, sought aesthetic treatment complaining about the dark color of his teeth.


  • Detailed anamnesis and clinical examination were performed, verifying periodontal health, absence of non-carious cervical lesions, and absence of dentin and root exposure.
  • Extra and intraoral photographs were taken, using the VITA Classical color scale with color A2 for reference.
  • Alginate molding was performed to fabricate the trays for the patient to perform home bleaching.


  • After the trial of the upper and lower trays, the patient was instructed to apply a drop of the 22% carbamide peroxide-based whitener, Whiteness Perfect from FGM, to each tooth in the tray and use it for 1 hour for 21 days.
  • At the end of the treatment, the enamel was polished with Diamond Flex and Diamond Excel from FGM and final photographs were taken for comparison and better visualization of the result with the aid of the VITA 3D color scale 1 M1.
  • The tooth whitening was monitored throughout the treatment through weekly checkups.

Patient Description:

  • Patient G.V.S., male, leucoderma, 23 years old.

Chief Complaint:

  • Darkening of the teeth.

Clinical Evaluation:

  • Periodontal health, absence of non-carious cervical lesions, and absence of dentin and root exposure.

Treatment Performed:

  • Home tooth whitening.

Methodology Used:

  • Materials Used: Whiteness Perfect at 22%.
  • Usage Time: 1 hour daily for 21 days.
  • Number of Sessions: 3 sessions for monitoring.
Sorriso inicial
Initial smile


Fotografia inicial intrabucal frontal comparando com a escala de cores VITA Classica cor A2.
Initial frontal intraoral photograph compared with the VITA Classica color scale A2


Fotografia inicial intrabucal frontal sem comparacao com a escala de cores
Initial frontal intraoral photograph without comparison with the color scale


Fotografia inicial intrabucal lateral direita
Right lateral intraoral initial photograph


Fotografia inicial intrabucal lateral esquerda
Left lateral intraoral initial photograph


Fotografia da aplicacao do gel-clareador Whiteness Simple a 22% na moldeira
Photograph of the application of Whiteness Perfect 22% whitening gel in the tray


Fotografia das moldeiras superior e inferior adaptadas nos arcos dentarios
Photograph of the upper and lower trays adapted to the dental arches


Fotografia do polimento do esmalte dentario com Diamond Flex e Diamond Excel
Photograph of tooth enamel polishing with Diamond Flex and Diamond Excel


Fotografia final intrabucal frontal comparando com a escala de cores VITA 3D cor 1 M1 compativel com a cor final do tratamento
Final intraoral frontal photograph comparing with the VITA 3D color scale color 1 M1 compatible with the final color of the treatment


Fotografia final intrabucal frontal comparando com a escala de cores VITA selecionada no inicio do tratamento
Final frontal intraoral photograph comparing with the VITA color scale selected at the beginning of treatment


Fotografia final intrabucal lateral direita
Right lateral intraoral final photograph


Fotografia final intrabucal lateral esquerda
Left lateral intraoral final photograph


Fotografia final intrabucal frontal
Frontal intraoral final photograph


Sorriso final
Final smile

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