Tooth whitening in tooth restored with Vittra APS Unique universal chroma composite

In this clinical case, the professionals performed tooth whitening and then restoration with Vittra APS Unique unichromatic resin.

Authors: Dr. Felipe Pinto Paredes Rodrigues and Dr. Thiago Roberto Gemeli


The patient sought care due to aesthetic dissatisfaction with the color of his teeth.

Initial evaluation

After anamnesis, clinical, and radiographic examination, the presence of slightly yellowed teeth was diagnosed, which caused dissatisfaction to the customer. The presence of aesthetic additions made three years ago with the Vittra APS Unique unichromatic resin was also observed.

Treatment performed

After initial photographs and adaptation of the oral environment with supragingival scraping and prophylaxis, the patient was scanned to obtain a superior and inferior model to manufacture whitening trays with EVA plates. The trays were made and delivered to the patient.

The whitening gel chosen to perform the whitening was White Class 7.5% due to its agility and low sensitivity indexes. The patient was recommended to use the product for a maximum of one hour per day for 21 days.

After the whitening was completed, a considerable change in the shade of the teeth was found since the patient already had teeth in a lighter shade, and a surprising change in color was also observed in the Vittra APS Unique resin, which accompanied the whitening treatment. Thus, changing the resin was unnecessary, preserving the patient’s dental structure and generating time and financial savings.

Step by step of whitening

1 | Initial smile aspect in 2020.

1 | Initial smile aspect in 2020.

2 | Reference design for diastema closure (2020).

2 | Reference design for diastema closure (2020).

3 | Result of diastema closure performed with Vittra APS Unique composite after take-home whitening with Whiteness Perfect 10% (2020).

3 | Result of diastema closure performed with Vittra APS Unique composite after take-home whitening with Whiteness Perfect 10% (2020).

4 | Initial smile aspect after three years of follow-up.

4 | Initial smile aspect after three years of follow-up.

5 | Shade taking three years after the end of treatment - BL4 (2023).

5 | Shade taking three years after the end of treatment – BL4 (2023).

6 | Fabrication of the whitening tray and application of White Class 7.5% whitening gel.

6 | Fabrication of the whitening tray and application of White Class 7.5% whitening gel.

7 | Final shade taking after 21 days of treatment – BL2 in central incisors and BL3 in canines

7 | Final shade taking after 21 days of treatment – BL2 in central incisors and BL3 in canines

8 | Final smile.

8 | Final smile.

Vittra APS Unique combines practice, quality and aesthetic result, click and watch the video.

Products used

Unique - Tooth whitening in tooth restored with Vittra APS Unique universal chroma composite

Seringas class 75 - Tooth whitening in tooth restored with Vittra APS Unique universal chroma composite

Placas para Moldeiras quadrada1 - Tooth whitening in tooth restored with Vittra APS Unique universal chroma composite


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