Rehabilitation with fiberglass post in fragile tooth

Whitepost System fiberglass post are great options for restoring function and aesthetics to both the front and back teeth. Check out the full clinical case below.

Authors: Prof. Dr. Carlos José Soares, Dr. Maria Tereza Hordones Ribeiro, Dr. Lilibeth Carola Leyton Mendoza, Dr. Thiago Silva Peres, Dr. Calebe de Melo, Dr. Maribí Terán Lozada, and Dr. Fábio Henrique de Paulo Costa Santos.


He was dissatisfied with the aesthetics of his smile.

Initial evaluation

A patient with a stabilized leukemia condition sought dental treatment. After supportive periodontal treatment and preventive protocols, the left upper canine presented extensive caries lesions with endodontic involvement.

Treatment performed with fiberglass post

Endodontic treatment was performed using rotary tools, filling with endodontic cement based on epoxy resin, and then provisional restoration with Maxxion R glass ionomer cement. In the rehabilitation planning, a Whitepost System post cemented with the combination of Ambar Universal APS adhesive system and Allcem Core cement was used, which was also used to reconstruct the cavity preparation.

The final restoration was performed with CAD-CAM crown with Brava Block glass-ceramic resin block, cemented with Allcem Core cement. Ultimately, the patient was also submitted to dental whitening with Whiteness HP Maxx.

The result provided full patient satisfaction with reports of contributing to self-esteem at such an important time for patients recovering from such an impactful systemic problem

Step by step

1 | Lateral intraoral image on the left side, showing provisional restoration on the canine tooth 23.

1 | Lateral intraoral image on the left side, showing provisional restoration on the canine tooth 23.

2 | Initial periapical radiograph of tooth 23 showing fracture and decayed tissue reaching the pulp, justifying the need for endodontic treatment.

2 | Initial periapical radiograph of tooth 23 showing fracture and decayed tissue reaching the pulp, justifying the need for endodontic treatment.

3 | Periapical radiography after endodontic treatment of tooth 23 with provisional restoration justifying the need for endodontic treatment.

3 | Periapical radiography after endodontic treatment of tooth 23 with provisional restoration justifying the need for endodontic treatment.

4 | The Lateral intraoral image on the left side shows provisional restoration in the canine tooth 23.

4 | The Lateral intraoral image on the left side shows provisional restoration in the canine tooth 23.

5 | Gutta-percha relief using Gates and Largo drills compatible with root canal diameter, maintaining 5 mm of gutta percha in the apical portion of the root canal.

5 | Gutta-percha relief using Gates and Largo drills compatible with root canal diameter, maintaining 5 mm of gutta percha in the apical portion of the root canal.

6 | Utilização de broca específica do pino Whitepost System DCE 2 que melhor adequou ao diâmetro do conduto radicular respeitando o comprimento aliviado.

6 | Use of a specific drill of the Whitepost System DCE 2 post that best suited the diameter of the root canal respecting the relieved length.

7 e 8 | Prova do pino de fibra de vidro e conferência do comprimento aliviado compatível com a extensão do pino no interior do canal radicular.

7 e 8 | Prova do pino de fibra de vidro e conferência do comprimento aliviado compatível com a extensão do pino no interior do canal radicular.

7 e 8 | Test of the fiberglass post and verification of the relieved length compatible with the extension of the post inside the root canal.

9 | Aplicação de álcool 70% para limpeza do pino de fibra de vidro.

9 | Application of 70% alcohol to clean the fiberglass post.

10 | Utilização do agente de união Prosil com Cavibrush para aplicação no pino de fibra de vidro.

10 | Use of the bonding agent Prosil with Cavibrush for application on the fiberglass post.

11 | Aplicação ativa de Prosil por um minuto em toda superfície do pino.

11 | Active application of Prosil for one minute on the entire post surface.

12 | Irrigação com solução de hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5% e EDTA a 17% para limpeza do conduto radicular.

12 | Irrigation with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite solution and 17% EDTA for root canal cleaning.

13 | Utilização de ponta plástica Easy Clean para limpeza do canal com EDTA.

13 | Use of Easy Clean plastic tip to clean the canal with EDTA.

14 | Irrigação final com água destilada.

14 | Final irrigation with distilled water

15 | Utilização de aspirador endodôntico para remoção de água do canal radicular, seguido de remoção de umidade com papel absorvente.

15 | Use of an endodontic aspirator to remove water from the root canal, followed by moisture removal with absorbent paper.

16 | Aplicação do sistema adesivo Ambar Universal APS dentro do canal radicular com Cavibrush longo.

16 | Application of the Ambar Universal APS adhesive system inside the root canal with long Cavibrush.

17 | Remoção de excesso de adesivo com cones de papel absorvente. Este passo é extremamente importante para evitar que a camada de adesivo espessa atrapalhe no assentamento correto do pino de fibra de vidro no conduto radicular.

17 | Removal of excess adhesive with absorbent paper cones. This step is extremely important to prevent the thick adhesive layer from getting in the way of the correct seating of the fiberglass post the root canal.

18 | Fotoativação por 20 segundos com ponta do fotopolimerizador protegida com filme de PVC posicionada o mais próximo possível da entrada do canal.

18 | Photoactivation for 20 seconds with light-curing tip protected with PVC film positioned as close as possible to the canal entrance.

19 | Aplicação do cimento resinoso dual Allcem Core dentro do canal radicular utilizando a ponta misturadora e ponteira aplicadora.

19 | Application of the Allcem Core dual resin cement inside the root canal using the mixing and applicator tips.

20 | Inserção do pino Whitepost System DCE 2 no canal radicular no comprimento definido anteriormente.

20 | Insertion of the Whitepost System DCE 2 post into the root canal at the previously defined length

21 | Agilidade no processo de confecção do núcleo de preenchimento, permitindo definição do formato o que facilita a fase de preparo do remanescente.

21 | Agility in making the filling core, allowing definition of the shape, which facilitates the preparation phase of the remnant.

22 | Após cinco minutos da mistura do cimento dual foi realizado fotoativação por 40 segundos.

22 | After five minutes of mixing the dual cement, photoactivation was performed for 40 seconds.

23 | Confecção de preparo para coroa total.

23 | Preparing for a full crown.

24 | Aspecto provisório em resina acrílica pós-cimentação e remoção dos excessos de cimento provisório.

24 | Provisional aspect in acrylic resin after cementation and removal of excess provisional cement.

25 | Seleção de cor para posterior confecção de coroa CAD-CAM em resina vitrocerâmica Brava Block.

25 | Color selection for the subsequent making of CAD-CAM crown in Brava Block glass-ceramic resin.

26 | Coroa em resina composta Brava Block após fresagem.

26 | Crown in Brava Block composite resin after milling.

27 | Jateamento da superfície interna com jato de óxido de alumínio 50 micras por 20 segundos.

27 | Internal surface blasting with 50-micron aluminum oxide blasting for 20 seconds.

28 | Aplicação do silano Prosil no interior da coroa Brava Block.

28 | Application of Prosil silane inside the Brava Block crown.

29 e 30 | Condicionamento dental com Condac 37 e aplicação do sistema adesivo Ambar Universal APS no preparo dental com fotoativação do sistema adesivo por 10 segundos

29 e 30 | Condicionamento dental com Condac 37 e aplicação do sistema adesivo Ambar Universal APS no preparo dental com fotoativação do sistema adesivo por 10 segundos

29 and 30 | Dental etching with Condac 37 and application of the Ambar Universal APS adhesive system in dental preparation with photoactivation of the adhesive system for 10 seconds.

31 | Inserção de cimento resinoso dual Allcem Core no interior da coroa.

31 | Insertion of Allcem Core dual resin cement inside the crown.

32 | Cimentação da coroa evidenciando correto extravasamento de cimento resinoso.

32 | Crown cementation showing correct overflow of resin cement.

33 | Checagem e certificação do ponto de contato correto.

33 | Checking and certifying the correct point of contact.

34 | Clareamento de consultório empregando Whiteness HP Maxx (três aplicações de 15 minutos) para harmonizar cor final dos dentes e da restauração indireta.

34 | In-office whitening using Whiteness HP Maxx (three 15-minute applications) to harmonize final tooth color and indirect restoration.

35 | Aspecto inicial.

35 | Initial aspect.

36 | Sorriso final. fiberglass post

36 | Final smile.

Whitepost System está entre os 20 melhores pinos de fibra de vidro do mundo

Products used

SERINGA CONDAC 37 TRANSP 2 - Rehabilitation with fiberglass post in fragile tooth

Seringa Allcem Core - Rehabilitation with fiberglass post in fragile tooth

Frasco Prosil - Rehabilitation with fiberglass post in fragile tooth          FRASCO AMBAR UNIVERSAL APS - Rehabilitation with fiberglass post in fragile tooth hp maxxx 2 - Rehabilitation with fiberglass post in fragile tooth

Cavibrush Fino - Rehabilitation with fiberglass post in fragile tooth          whitepost refil DC FIT 0 - Rehabilitation with fiberglass post in fragile toothblocos brava - Rehabilitation with fiberglass post in fragile tooth


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