Posterior Implant with cemented zirconia prosthesis over link

Authors: Prof. Dr. Everton Salante e Prof. Dr. Leonardo Piazzetta Pellissari

FEMALE PATIENT, 40 YEARS OLD: Changes in element 26 even after endodontic retreatment.



The patient presented a recurrence of periapical lesion after the second endodontic retreatment in tooth 26. The clinical and radiographic evaluation allowed the finding of root resorption with an indication of extraction.



It was proposed to replace the compromised dental element with an immediate implant with immediate loading and custom healing abutment. Thus, a minimally traumatic extraction was performed, preserving the gingival architecture of the region, a 5×5 mm Short Arcsys implant, 2 mm infraosseous, where it reached 32 of primary stability. Thus, the custom healing abutment was made using a multifunctional high-profile healing abutment with 4 mm of custom diameter, photoactivated pattern resin was added, completely sealing the embouchure of the alveolus. Before the installation of the healing abutment, the implant cover was inserted to prevent biomaterial residues from occupying the internal space of the implant.

Then the gap was filled with Nanosynt. Then, the implant cover was removed, and the custom healing abutment was immediately and carefully installed with only a digital pressure. As an advantage of this procedure, it can be noted the obliteration of the alveolar embouchure with concomitan tissue conditioning, starting the customization of the emergency profile. After 90 days postoperatively, the healing abutment was removed, and the abutment for screw-retained restoration was installed with 2.5 mm of transmucosal. The peri-implant tissues already had a satisfactory emergency profile to start intraoral scanning. The scan body for the abutment for screw-retained restoration was installed on it, and the .stl files were sent to the prosthetic laboratory, which made a zirconia crown on a metallic link to offer greater resistance and avoid the occurrence of fracture of the crown installed directly over the prosthetic component.

The crown was cemented to the link using Allcem Core cement. Finishing was performed on the interface region of the link with the prosthetic crown, and the assembly was installed on the abutment for screw-retained restoration with a torque of 10 On the screw, the Teflon tape and Vittra APS Unique resin were inserted.



01 - Situação inicial.

01 – Initial situation

02 - Alvéolo após a exodontia.

02 – Alveolus after extraction.

03 - Instalação de implante short.

03 – Short implant installation

04 - Cicactrizador multifuncional personalizado.

04 – Custom multifunctional healing abutment.

05 - Preenchimento do gap com Nanosynt.

05 – Filling the gap with Nanosynt.

06 - Instalação do cicatrizador personalizado com Vittra APS.

06 – Custom healing abutment installation with Vittra APS.

07 - Pós operatório de 7 dias.

07 – 7-day postoperative period.

08 - Aspecto gengival após três meses.

08 – Gingival aspect after three months.

09 - Link metálico sobre componente protético.

09 – Metallic link on the prosthetic component.

10 - Cimento na parte interna da coroa.

10 – Cement on the inside of the crown.

11 - Coroa em posição no modelo impresso.

11 – Crown in position on printed model.

12 - Situação fi nal antes da aplicação da resina.

12 – Final situation before applying the resin.

13 - Aspecto radiográfico final.

13 – Final radiographic aspect.

01 - Situação inicial.

15 - Aspecto final

14 e 15 – Initial and final aspect



estojo cirurgico e protetico - Posterior Implant with cemented zirconia prosthesis over link Caixa Nanosynt CE 1 - Posterior Implant with cemented zirconia prosthesis over linkCicatrizador Multifuncional Cinta Alta 5mm 05.17.03 - Posterior Implant with cemented zirconia prosthesis over linkImplante Arcsys ShortMini Pilar Angulavel 4x32x25 03.16 - Posterior Implant with cemented zirconia prosthesis over linkminipilar - Posterior Implant with cemented zirconia prosthesis over linkScanbody 1 - Posterior Implant with cemented zirconia prosthesis over linkIS3700 SideView StandardTip 07122022 - Posterior Implant with cemented zirconia prosthesis over link



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