arcsys logo e1731600779502 - Arcsys Implant System

Smart from every angle

implante arcsys - Arcsys Implant System
angulador - Arcsys Implant System

The incredible possibility of angulating the prosthetic component in your office

The Arcsys Implant System brings the exclusive technology of angulation of the prosthetic components in up to 20°, in your clinic or laboratory. Innovation that allows the best surgical and prosthetic planning. Check below how it is simple:

Mira lo simple que es:

See the results of the Implant and theprosthesis in the ideal position

implante instalado 1 - Arcsys Implant System

Implant installed. Note the divergence between the surgical and prosthetic axes.

implante instalado 2 - Arcsys Implant System

Customized prosthetic component. Note the refinement of the prosthetic axis made possible by Arcsys System technology.

The real
Morse taper

dispensa parafuso - Arcsys Implant System

Screw dispenser

Highly stable connection that allows customization of prosthetic components.

selamento bacteriano - Arcsys Implant System

Bacterial sealing

Hermetic connection with full competence in terms of microbial sealing of abutment-implant interfaces

maior resistencia - Arcsys Implant System

Greater resistance

Machined from an ultra-strong alloy, to allow for high levels of locking and ensure longevity of rehabilitations.

arcsys cone morse - Arcsys Implant System

Clinical longevity of the
Arcsys frictional Morse taper

The system that revolutionized implantology surprises more and more every day with its superior clinical and scientific results.

1 Tomografia inicial do elemento fraturado - Arcsys Implant System
1 - Initial tomography of the fractured element
2 Implante totalmente envolto de osso em acompanhamento tomografico - Arcsys Implant System
2 - Implant completely surrounded by bone under tomographic follow-up
3 Acompanhamento clinico evidenciando a estabilidade peri implantar da conexao friccional - Arcsys Implant System
3 - Clinical monitoring demonstrating peri-implant stability of the frictional connection

Preservation of gingival architecture

Author: Prof. Dr. Bernardo Passoni

Follow-up: 4 years and 3 months.

Author’s note: The absence of micromovements provided by the frictional Morse taper maintained stable tissue architecture and predictable rehabilitation.

1 Tomografia inicial - Arcsys Implant System
1 - Initial tomography
2 Acompanhamento radiografico de 3 anos - Arcsys Implant System
2 - Radiographic follow-up from 2 to 3 years
3 Alta estetica peri implantar com preservacao da arquitetura tecidual apos 5 anos 1 - Arcsys Implant System
3 - High peri-implant aesthetics with preservation of tissue architecture after 5 years

Stability of peri-implant tissue

Author: Prof. Me. Thiago Gemeli

Follow-up: 5 years

Author’s note: The peri-implant stability of the Arcsys System allows for unique results, especially in cases where high aesthetic demands are required.

1 Tomografia inicial 1 - Arcsys Implant System
1 - Initial tomography
2 Manutencao ossea sobre a plataforma do componente - Arcsys Implant System
2 - Bone maintenance on the component platform
3 Acompanhamento clinico de 6 anos - Arcsys Implant System
3 - Clinical follow-up from 3 to 6 years

Bone maintenance around prosthetic components

Author: Prof. Me. Rafael C. Cecato

Follow-up: 6 years

Author’s note: The stability of the peri-implant bone tissue is a direct result of the sealing provided by the system connection.

Main features

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Customizable angle

Allows up to 20° angulation, achieving better aesthetic and functional results.

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3 times more resistant

Manufactured from high-strength implantable special alloys, in accordance with ASTM F138 and
ABNT NBR ISO 5832-1.

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Frictional Morse Cone Interface

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Interchangeable components between different implant diameters.

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Available in different heights to accommodate variations in mucosal thickness.

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Screw-in, cemented, single or multiple prostheses

Arcsys Drills

FGM drills have a unique and innovative design. They are made of stainless steel and coated with titanium nitride, providing greater hardness and durability.

It also features parallel channels for rapid heat exchange, allowing for faster and smoother operating procedures. The active tip features high cutting efficiency and excellent stability, while the body also allows for the harvesting of bone tissue.

Brocas geral nova marcacao 02 - Arcsys Implant System
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Active tip

Performs the function of a drill bit and stabilizes the drilling.

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Installation safety

Cooling flow, for lower heat generation

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Innovative geometry

Tool control throughout surgical preparation

- Arcsys Implant System

Side channels

Through-bit irrigation and bone tissue collection capability

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TiN (titanium nitride) coating, providing increased surface hardness, lower friction, and greater durability.

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Depth limiters

Enhanced drilling safety. Easy to handle, interchangeable and quick and precise fit.

Multifunctional PEEK in Component

PEEK: a high-performance, biocompatible polymer with unique properties that make it the ideal choice for today’s most demanding applications. Considered one of the world’s highest-performance engineering thermoplastics, with over 35 years of proven performance in demanding environments.

Multifunctional abutments

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Peri-implant tissue former

teyrjoqbah - Arcsys Implant System

Implant-supported temporary prosthesis abutment

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Implant transfer

i9r2lo4idz 1 - Arcsys Implant System

Multifunctional transfer

7f9l2peap3 - Arcsys Implant System
1ghli353utz - Arcsys Implant System

Prosthetic component transfer

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Temporary denture support

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Prosthetic component protector

The best implant solutions for you, implantologist

Implants with the best concepts

On macro and microgeometry

Unique prosthetic interface in all dimensions of the implant.

Titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V): best mechanical performance and total biocompatibility.

They promote bone compaction, resulting in greater primary stability.

Better screwability to the bone substrate.

Greater safety near noble structures, such as nerves or facial sinuses.

Platform Switching: guarantees peri-implant stability.³

They promote bone compaction, resulting in greater primary stability.

Excellent quality of surrounding bone tissue.

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Quality Control

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High-quality machinery

High-performance Swiss CNC lathes are used to manufacture the implants and components.

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100% inspection of components

Every Arcsys Morse Cone is 100% inspected to ensure the effectiveness of its coupling.

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High-precision measuring equipment

All Arcsys System components are inspected using high-tech 3D measurement equipment.

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Highly qualified team

The team is trained and qualified in the production and quality control processes of the entire Arcsys line.

Scientific proof

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Arcsys Implant success rate of 98.2% and 0% loosening rate​

A recent study by UFSC found that Arcsys implants had a success rate of nearly 100% in both multiple and single-tooth restorations. Source: 1 Center for Dental Implant Education and Research. Federal University of Santa Catarina. Prof. Dr. Ricardo Magini and team. 2018.

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